Junior Confirmation

Fall Term Junior Confirmation Classes Begin September 11th, 2022. Please Contact The Church Office With Any Questions.

Junior Confirmation is a 2-part program for students who have completed 5th grade. The 1st part is designed to assist the parents in the Christian education of their children, a tradition that prepares them to receive Holy Communion. Its emphasis is on memorizing Luther’s Small Catechism. The parents join other parents and students to work both individually and as a group each Sunday morning from mid-August through May. There is a facilitator present for assistance.

During the entire confirmation program it is expected that the parents along with the students be active in worship and Bible fellowship each week at St Thomas. Concurrent with their worship and studies, students have the choice of serving as an acolyte, an usher, or with the Altar Guild.

The 2nd part begins the following August and continues through October 30. Students meet each Sunday morning for 10 weeks with the Pastor to review the basic Christian doctrines as learned from the Small Catechism along with a review of memorized Scripture texts. Additional topics are also presented to the students to enhance their respect and broaden their knowledge of the church and its traditions. At the successful completion of the series, the students’ public profession of faith will be celebrated in congregational worship on Reformation Sunday.

Contact the pastor at [email protected] for more information.